Tuesday, January 28, 2014

IN VENEZUELA: THE FRUITS OF SOCIALISM: "No flour? No fish? Venezuela's chefs get creative amid shortages"

"I haven't been able to buy wheat flour or corn flour for more than a month. I'm working with what I had last year," said Eduardo Castaneda, 45, owner of La Guayaba Verde, or The Green Guava, in Caracas, which offers a modern spin on traditional Venezuelan food. 
Venezuela's price controls require staple goods be sold at fixed rates that are at times below production cost, which often leaves them scarce because of the reduced incentive for companies to make or import them. 
Even the most ethical of restaurateurs are finding themselves dabbling in the black market to skirt the strict regulations created by the late socialist leader Hugo Chavez and extended by President Nicolas Maduro.
Socialism creates "economic equality" by making everyone a serf.

Everywhere. Every time.

Obama has the USA moving down that path.


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