Thursday, December 26, 2013


The Haredi leaders haven't responded well to the court decision to annul the Beit Shemesh election results due to the massive voter fraud that took place. But United Torah Judaism's member Yisrael Eichler has really taken that poor response to new lows with the following:
MK Yisrael Eichler (United Torah Judaism, or UTJ) said that the decision to strike down the election results “proves that there is no difference between the judicial dictatorship in Egypt and the judicial dictatorship in Israel.”

"One day,” he predicted bitterly, “the secular regime will declare hareidim illegal, just as was done in Egypt [to the Muslim Brotherhood]. Everything will be done in the name of democracy... The regimes of Putin and the Egyptian Supreme Court President also find exquisitely democratic excuses for taking out their rivals and trampling human rights in the name of 'enlightenment',” he added.
Am I reading this correctly? He's comparing Haredis to Islamists?!? What will it take for his party's voters to wake up and realize what an insult and embarrassment he's caused them? His comments on democracy also give reason to shudder.

Speaking of UTJ, one of their other members, Meir Porush, got suspended from some debates in the Knesset recently for a handcuff stunt he pulled. Eichler's not doing anything to improve that party's image. Nor is he helping the Haredi community by making such a crazy comparison.

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