Thursday, December 05, 2013


The Christian Zionist delegation in Norway came to Israel to voice how terrible they feel about what their country did to ours:
About 40 Norwegian Christian leaders and clerics held a special ceremony in the Knesset Wednesday to formally apologize on Norway's behalf for their role during the Holocaust and the 1993 Oslo Accords.

The delegation featured representatives from 21 different organizations, who were greeted by Knesset Christian Caucus members MKs Rabbi Dov Lipman (Yesh Atid) and Gila Gamliel (Likud). The representatives then delivered a speech expressing support for Israel, as well as reservations about the Oslo Accords, which they claimed "rips apart the Land of Israel."

[...] Chairman of the International Christian Embassy in Norway, Doug Aoibind Juliussen, stated "We Christian leaders in Norway, want to apologize and ask for forgiveness from the Jewish people for Norway's attitude towards you from the Holocaust through Oslo Accords and until this day."

The Chairman of the Knesset caucus to promote relations with Christian communities around the world, Josh Rinstein, told Arutz Sheva at the end of the visit that "the Christian leaders apologize for anti-Semitism... the Oslo agreement, and the boycott Norway supports [against Israel]."

He continued that the process of asking for forgiveness "is just, and there are many more countries which need to ask for forgiveness" and emphasized that the point is not just to apologize, "but to work for the benefit of the State of Israel."
He talks sense, and we owe him a lot of thanks for being brave enough to lead this delegation.

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