Friday, November 22, 2013


The result from weakness by Netanyahu:
After the US pressured the Israeli government to stop building in the E1 region, between Maaleh Adummim and Jerusalem, new pictures reveal that the Palestinian Arabs have sped up their own illegal outposts - to settle there and establish facts on the ground before Israel's Jewish population can beat them to it.

The investigation of Regavim movement indicates that hundreds of portable structures have already been built around Ma'ale Adummim and Highway 1, which extends all the way to the Dead Sea. The buildings are made of metal plates, allowing rapid construction as the Palestinian Arabs generally operate on weekends, when the Supervisory Unit of the Civil Administration is on leave.

At first, the Palestinian Authority kept the buildings under black tarps, to prevent photos being taken and establishing proof of illegal building. Over time, these tarps have disappeared - revealing even more buildings in their wake. All of the buildings are in Area C - the area exclusively under Israeli control.

While the Regavim movement has asked the government several times to intervene, no action has yet been taken. The Civil Administration has reportedly posted signs forbidding the building - but that is all.
Once again, I'm finding it hard to see why anybody should consider Netanyahu worth supporting if his government can't do anything about this and fails to fulfill an important pledge to the nation.

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