Monday, November 18, 2013


He's gone the same route various other European politicians have with the cliched demand for surrendering land, Jerusalem included:
The Palestinians will stay in peace talks with Israel for the planned nine months despite their fierce opposition to Israel's settlement building, the Palestinian president said Monday.

The remarks by Mahmoud Abbas came at a news conference with visiting French President ​François Hollande, who urged Israel to halt settlement construction on lands the Palestinians seek for a future state.
From the AFP:
French President Francois Hollande on Monday demanded an end to Jewish settlement activity and told the Israeli parliament Jerusalem must one day be the capital of two states.
Okay, so I'm not sure why he's got a problem with Iran when he's got such a problem with us. That's not the way somebody who says he/she is a friend of somebody else should speak. And this is the same man who hasn't done enough to curb Islamofascism in France.

This article says he's unpopular in France but appreciated here. The former is correct but latter is no longer, and shouldn't be. What he's doing by demanding defeatism and segregative steps is not how a true friend behaves, and no decent-minded Israeli citizen should embrace him over that.

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