Sunday, October 27, 2013


Political Machines make money off of government programs.

The more government programs there are and and the bigger the government programs are, the bigger are the opportunities and rewards for looting by The Machine.

In this regard, Tammany Hall and Chicago Machines don't differ from the Brezhnev Machine in the ol' USSR, or the Chavezistas in Venezuela, the Kim Gang running North Korea, or Mugabe's Machine in Zimbabwe.

They're all looters looting  - and getting away with it by brainwashing people into believing the programs are for "the common good".

Poverty, ignorance, disease and international strife are all better ameliorated by private enterprise than government; always have been, and they always will be.

Large scale government programs are more often than not boondoggles run by cronies for the benefit of The Machine.

Let's look at a few of the large scale liberal boondoggles:
  • The federal housing policies instigated by liberals led to massive looting and fraud, and to the inevitable Housing Bubble - and to the crash. And financial firm with close ties to the government did well after the crash.
  • The Green Economy led to Solyndra's by the dozen.
  • Quantatative Easing is leading to an Equity Bubble, a Currency Bubble, huge bank profits, and the lowest employment participation rate in half a century.
  • Obamacare is no different: it's a huge program designed to have The Machine control 20% of the economy. It will cost more - and deliver worse medical results, but make The Machine richer.
The dream of individual liberty and responsibility and limited government was what this nation was founded upon.

The Machine is the very antithesis of that dream.

The Machine - and those who run it, benefit from it - and lie/propagandize to cover it up - are as un-American as tyranny itself.

To save America, we must destroy The Machine.

FACT: Obamacare's inoperable computer program was designed by CGI - pals of the Obama's and The Machine - and this company was also deeply involved in H.U.D. and the Housing Bubble, too.

For their incompetence and malfeasance - and corruption - all the people in The Machine should all be charged, tried, convicted - and shot - for treason.

What their fellow fascist/socialist Mussolini got seems apt to me.

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