Wednesday, October 02, 2013


The two Muslims who violently murdered British soldier Lee Rigby pleaded not guilty at their trial (via Big Peace):
Two men accused of hacking a British soldier to death earlier this year in an apparent Islamist terrorist attack on a London street, pleaded not guilty in court Friday, the BBC reported.

Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, both from London, denied charges that they murdered off-duty soldier Lee Rigby near his southeast London barracks on May 22. They're accused of running Rigby over with a car and then stabbing him repeatedly in broad daylight.

The suspects also plead not guilty to charges of attempting to murder a local police officer on the same day and plotting to kill a police officer around the same time.
What they're basically refusing to do is admit their violent actions were wrong. And what's really terrible is that they may not get the death sentence, even though that would be the most strongly recommended punishment for them. Europe hurt themselves by discarding the death penalty in many countries.

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