Monday, October 14, 2013


Following the discovery of the terror tunnel:
Israel has temporarily stopped allowing shipments of construction supplies to reach Gaza through Israeli territory, following the discovery late last week of a 2.5-kilometer (1.55-mile) tunnel built by Gaza terrorists into Israeli territory.

"Due to security reasons, (the army) decided to stop for now the transfer of building materials into Gaza," Defense Ministry spokesman Guy Inbar told AFP. He did not say how long the ban would remain in force.

Last month Israel permitted delivery of cement and steel for use by the private sector into the Gaza Strip for the first time since 2007, when Israel banned their transfer fearing that Gaza's Hamas rulers would use construction materials to fortify its positions and build tunnels for terrorist attacks on the Jewish state.
Oh for crying out loud. Didn't it occur to them that even "private sector" materials could be used for a horrific purpose like attacks and kidnapping?

And this ban on transfer of shipments for building shouldn't be temporary, it should be permanent.

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