Thursday, October 31, 2013


Another Canadian company commits an act of dhimmitude:
Edmonton Transit is pulling some controversial advertisements after complaints were made to the city.

The ads, part of a Canada-wide campaign by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, claim to offer help for young girls living in fear of the Islamic honour code.

"Is Your Family Threatening You? Is There a Fatwa on Your Head?" it reads, alongside pictures of several young women with the description "Girls honour killed by their families."

Five of the ads were rolled out on the exteriors of buses over the weekend, triggering a wave of complaints to the city.

Tony Clark complained to the city after he saw one of the “discriminatory” ads while shopping in Chinatown.

“I was surprised the ad was approved on city buses. I know they have generally rigorous standards for advertising and I was surprised this one made it through that filter because it really called out the Muslim community, when I’m sure that only a small minority of these sort of things happen in that community.”

City councillor Amarjeet Sohi contacted ETS about the ads after receiving several similar complaints from across the city.

“I was really disturbed. I found it to be very offensive,” said Sohi of the campaign’s message.

“I found it to be that it was targeting or singling out one single community,” he said.

“Honour killing is prevalent in many other communities so why only single out one Muslim community? The organization behind these ads is known for its anti-Muslim stance.”
Oh really, it's that prevalent, is it? Can this sicko even name the communities in which religiously-motivated honor killings take place? Another Muslim who resorts to cowardice and won't admit what the Koran's beliefs are. I hope Geller will take this matter to court.

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