Thursday, October 17, 2013


The Times of Israel says there's been an increase of 70 percent in construction for Jewish homes in Judea/Samaria, to the chagrin of Peace Now:
The first half of 2013 marked a 70 percent increase in construction projects started in Israeli settlements compared to the same period last year, according to a report by a left-wing activist organization released Thursday.

The study by the Peace Now group also found that 44% of the new projects were located east of the security fence, and the vast majority of all the new construction, 1,469 units, began without tenders in settlements where they are not required.

In addition, 1,794 units were completed and 2,840 units in total were under construction during the six-month period.
Peace Now has only succeeded in bringing everybody good news. Gee, I thought they wanted to bring bad news. In that case, what's their whole point?

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