Sunday, September 22, 2013


In the city of Derby in Britain, another horrible result of multiculturalism has sprung up:
Female teachers at a Muslim school are allegedly being made to wear a hijab - even if they do not practise the religion.

Teaching staff claim women are being told to sign new contracts stipulating they must wear the Islamic scarf during lessons.

Several employees at the Al-Madinah School in Derby have complained to their union about the rules.

Some non-Asian staff have been spotted taking off their hijabs as soon as they were out of sight of the school during the lunch hour.

The row over the headwear is one of several complaints made by staff to their unions about the school.

Al-Madinah, which does not recognise unions, is under investigation by the Education Funding Agency for alleged irregularities over its grants.

Nick Raine, regional NUT officer, said he was "very worried" about the school and the education of the 200 children there.

He said: "It's one thing to have a dress code which we can challenge and quite another to build it into a contract."

The new contracts for staff also include rules about not taking non-halal food into the school and not being allowed to wear jewellery.
And to be sure, they're not allowed to wear makeup either. That aside, isn't it interesting that this Muslim school, of all places, doesn't recognize unions. If it were a non-Muslim school, I figure they'd be forced to recognize unions in every way, regardless of whether they uphold selfish beliefs or not, a major problem with unions today.

Even if the teachers' unions come to their aid, they'd do well to quit working at that school and look elsewhere for better employment standards.

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