Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Earl Cox made clear on the Jerusalem Post just what the Religion of Peace really is, and towards the end says:
Historian John Philip Jenkins writes, “As late as the eleventh century, Asia was still home to at least a third of the world’s Christians and perhaps a tenth of all Christians lived in Africa. What happened to this thriving, intellectually vibrant Christianity? It was virtually wiped out by violent Islamic persecution, especially during the fourteenth century, due to ethnic and religious cleansing.” Islam became known as “the religion of the sword,” and for good reason.

It certainly seems that “radical Islam” is in truth the “normative Islam” of today. At the very least, Islam has a potentially violent core that is deeply associated with the fundamental principles of its violent faith. This radical and violent core, with all of its terrorists and murderous intent, actually controls the entire religion today, as far as the world is concerned. If they continue as they are, and they talk and act as if they will, another World War may be inevitable.
Those are the beliefs it was built on, that's how it'll end, and that's why it is simply a bad religion and ideology.

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