Monday, September 23, 2013


Besides the murder of a soldier from Bat Yam, there was another murder that took place around Hebron:
A Palestinian sniper shot dead a soldier stationed the Tut Atarek Junction, across from the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron on Sunday.

The soldier was named as Gavriel Kobi, 20, from Tirat Carmel. He was promoted to St.-Sgt. Maj. upon his death.

The gunman fired at Kobi and another Givati Brigade infantryman positioned to defend the Jewish community, as part of the army’s holiday preparations. The soldiers were positioned near the pharmacy intersection and Beit Hamachpela, defending the road used by Jewish residents of the quarter in Hebron.

“From what we see, the shooting occurred over a long distance,” a senior IDF source said. “At this stage, we have no clear direction as to the identity of the shooter.” [...]

Following the attack, Economy and Trade Minister Naftali Bennett, a member of the security cabinet, wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and cabinet secretary Avihai Mandelblit that the government must reconsider its plans for releasing Palestinian terrorists.

“Under the auspices of celebrating peace talks, Succot has turned into a holiday of harming IDF soldiers,” Bennett wrote.

The Bayit Yehudi chairman pointed out that Israel’s agreement to release more Palestinian prisoners is conditional on progress in negotiations with the PLO.

“There is no doubt that there have been unfortunate developments since the talks began, which require the government to rethink its path,” he wrote.

“The answer to terror must be a war on the murderers and not dialogue with those who encourage them.”
The IDF has increased its presence in the area, and embarked on a manhunt for the filth who committed the murder. It's odd that only after this tragedy has Netanyahu decided to enable the Jews who bought the Beit Machpela in Hebron to resettle it. While that's a good step in itself (and MK Orit Struk says so too), it should not have to be following tragedies like murders that an approval of a civil right be passed, and avenging the murder itself should be a top priority.

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