Friday, September 27, 2013


Some common sense coming from former chairpeople of the EU:
A group of prominent figures from Europe and across the globe have called on the European Union to re-evaluate a recent European Commission directive pulling financing from Israeli enterprises in the "occupied territories."

Among those who signed the letter, which stated that reversing that decision would make a positive impact on the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, were former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, former Uruguay President Luis Alberto Lacalle and Lord William David Trimble, who was the first U.K. first minister from Northern Ireland and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1998.

"By treating Israel differently than most other states, this policy only reinforces the impression among Israelis that Europe is basically unfriendly to Israel and cannot be relied upon as it once was," the authors wrote.
Now they're talking. They have to consider that Israeli public opinion matters, and also to ponder that Islamofascism within their own borders is a much more serious concern. If the EU really wants to help matters, including their own world image, they'd do best to abandon this offensive policy of theirs and stop siding with the PLO. They also have to stop misusing European citizens' tax money.

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