Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I'm serious. He said during a visit here that the decision to release murderers was "bold":
Speaking with reporters on Tuesday, Cantor reiterated the strong bond between Israel and the United States, saying that while the U.S. will continue to push for a peace deal with the Palestinians, the Republicans will not support any agreement that would comprise Israel's security, which he defined as "paramount."

Cantor was quoted by the Algemeiner website as saying that "the delegation had come to Israel to show the strength of American support for Israel and express the support of congress for Israel’s position."

He addressed Israel's decision to release Palestinian prisoners as a goodwill gesture to the Palestinians ahead of the peace talks, saying that Netanyahu "had made a bold and very difficult decision by releasing Palestinian terrorists with a lot of blood on their hands. In doing so, Israel has demonstrated its willingness to pursue peace."
What is so "bold" instead of cowardly about Netanyahu's contempt for victims of terrorism by releasing their executioners and legitimizing violent crimes? Would Cantor have the courage to say that in front of 9-11 Families? What he's said is just as contemptible of American victims of terrorism as it is of Israeli victims, and he should be ashamed of himself. I'm sorry, but this is indefensible, and should disqualify him as a presidential candidate, if he were to run today. As a result, I don't buy his claim that he backs a strong bond with Israel if he's fine with this.

What also damages his credibility is that he acts as though he's not allowed in any way, shape or form to criticize Netanyahu. If the prime minister said something offensive about Latinos, would Cantor call that "bold"? Cantor owes an apology, and no self-respecting relative of a jihad victim should take kindly to him now.

Update: David Bedein asked a very vital question: has Cantor even asked if jihadists who murdered Americans are on the list? And he also notes:
Congressman Eric Cantor has felt the agony and pain of terror personally.

His cousin, a 16 year old boy named Daniel Cantor Wultz, was killed by a bomb placed by an Arab terrorist at a Tel Aviv Felafal stand in April, 2006.

Daniel’s leg was blown to bits. After writhing in pain for a few days at Icholov Hospital in Tel Aviv, Daniel died of his wounds.
Does Cantor realize the damage he's causing by turning his back on the tragedy of one of his own relatives? How can he do this after what happened 7 years ago?

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