Monday, August 05, 2013


Which angers the PLO, as usual:
Even as Israeli-Palestinian talks are set to begin next week and deal with the borders of a future Palestinian state, the cabinet on Sunday approved a new national priorities map that includes a number of small settlements beyond the security fence.

The national priorities map lists communities eligible for preferential treatment by various ministries, such as smaller classrooms, enhanced budget for cultural programming and additional funds for security needs not faced by other communities.

Government officials stressed that before any West Bank settlement receives the affirmative action it is entitled to under this plan, a second approval will be needed by the “political echelon.”

Among the new settlements on the list are Rehalim and Bruchin in Samaria, and Sansana and Negohot in the South Hebron Hills. Up until a few months ago, these communities were considered illegal settlement outposts. Other settlements new to the list are Hebron, Nofim, Geva Binyamin, Ma’aleh Michmash, and Eshkolot. [...]

PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi, meanwhile, denounced the inclusion of settlements in the priority map as a “confidence destruction measure.”

“While Palestine has cooperated with international efforts to seek a two-state solution on the 1967 border, Israel is responding once again by destroying the 1967 border and violating international law,” Ashrawi said. “Israeli attempts to grab more Palestinian land and to provide settlers with preferential treatment will not be tolerated.”
So cry us all a bath, why don't you. They're only interested in hatemongering, so this is what they get. 91 villages/towns have been approved for this special issue.

And yet, if the Israeli government releases jihadists with blood on their hands, I can't I'll feel sorry if Netanyahu's career takes a nosedive as a result. There's a fine line on morale that can't be crossed, no matter what attempts they make to deflect the damage.

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