Sunday, August 11, 2013


This horror was first reported a few days ago, and until now, I don't think the racial background of the 2 girls was stated (via Jihad Watch):
British media revealed new details of the incident in which two 18-year-old British women were attacked with acid in the island of Zanzibar, off the African coast, some of which pointing at followers of a fanatic Muslim sect as the perpetrators of the attack.

The Telegraph and the BBC network reported that the Zanzibar police is offering a 4,000 pound reward for information leading to the arrest of the attackers. In addition, the police have issued a warrant for the arrest of local Muslim leader, Sheikh Issa Ponda Issa, for allegedly inciting for the attack by his extremist sermons.

So far five have been arrested for alleged involvement in the attack.

The two, Katie Gee and Kirstie Trup, both 18, arrived at Britain on Friday, the British Sky News network reported. The attack occured on Wednesday night, when the pair were walking through the old part of the main island's capital, Zanzibar City. They were volunteering as teachers for a charity on the island, said the Guardian.

The Guardian reported that Zanzibar's assistant police commissioner, Mkadam Khamis Mkadam, said: "They were accosted by two men riding a motorcycle. They poured this liquid – we suspect it is acid – and ran away."

He said the women were given first aid and taken to hospital in the Tanzanian capital, Dar es Salaam, for further treatment. They were discharged on Thursday morning.

Katie's mother, Nicky Gee, said: "I've spoken to my daughter – her whole face and body is burnt."

Gee, from East Finchley, and Trup, from Hampstead, had been volunteering at a school with Art in Tanzania and were reaching the end of their three-week stay. They received burns to their faces, hands, legs, backs and necks, the Times reported.

Trup's father, Marc, told the Times the pair were "inconsolable" and still in pain when he spoke to them on a mobile phone lent to them by a passerby after the attack.

"We couldn't get anything out of them because they had been burned," he said. "Both girls are very shocked and very frightened." Speaking about his daughter, he added: "She can still see and she is not dead. Whatever it is we will cope with it."

According to the Guardian, Trup said the women had been dressed appropriately and had been warned not to wear anything that gave away their Jewish background, including the Star of David.

"We know it's a Muslim country. They were western girls. Unfortunately they went out during the month of Ramadan. There has been a huge alert in African countries with potential threats. Maybe it's connected, maybe not."
It is connected, and for all we know, the filth who committed the violent crime probably did figure out that those poor girls were of Jewish background. I hope they can get the medical aid they need and plastic surgery too, if needed. And I hope the jihadists get disfigured as a punishment for their repulsive crime.

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