Saturday, August 03, 2013


Capitol Hill is again making an altruistic effort to get the embassy here moved to Jerusalem:
Members of Congress have introduced legislation that would transfer the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, sending a message of commitment and resolve to Israel and also presenting the US government with a cost-saving measure at a time of major budget cuts.

The bipartisan bill, known as the Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of the State of Israel Act (H.R. 2846), comes as Israelis and Palestinians are resuming peace negotiations after a three-year hiatus, and is intended to offer an unflinching sign of support on Capitol Hill for Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital.

The bill, which is being sponsored by Representatives Trent Franks (AZ-08), Brad Sherman (CA-30), Doug Lamborn (CO-05), Gene Green (TX-29), Juan Vargas (CA-51), is now being circulated among members of Congress.

The initiative is unique because it recommends that the United States government either repurpose the current Embassy property in Tel Aviv to a consulate, or sell the property, which has the potential to garner an estimated hundred million dollars at market value.

[...] “For historical, biblical and moral reasons, we are committed to the unity of Jerusalem as Israel's undivided capital with no waivers and no caveats," said Congressman Doug Lamborn. "Our unflinching support is especially crucial at this critical hour of turbulence throughout the region."
And I thank them for their efforts. This is real show of recognition, far more than can be said for the staff at the White House, Obama included.

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