Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I know a leftist vegan who vehemently supports a mother's right to abort her pregnancy at any time before birth - and she's a vegan; she won't eat meat 'cause she can't stand the idea of killing an animal.

How confused is that!?!?!?!?!?


And very typical of the unprincipled postmodern left.

They want a sexually permissive nannystate that pays for them from cradle to grave and enforces equal outcomes even if that means that everyone is poor.

That means taking away from them that produce prosperity by the sweat of their own labor and redistributing it to others who produce less.

To achieve the power necessary to accomplish and see to it that the people in the various factions in their coalition are rewarded for their support, they will say and do almost anything and support almost anyone.



  1. Unprincipled is putting it kindly.

    Twisted, self-absorbed, insane, immoral, psychotic, those are some other words that come to mind.

  2. So, she believes that a human life is worth less than an animal's life.

    Should we be surprised?

    Aren't children being taught this very idea in school? Think about it.

  3. And here's something else....

    I've been in discussions in which the following came up: "Explain to me exactly why human life is worth more than animal life. No religion allowed!"
