Wednesday, June 05, 2013


I know plenty of people are let down by the Boy Scouts for caving in to pressure from LGBT activists to include homosexuals in their programs, and likely have even dropped the recognition of homosexuality as a mental abnormality.

But even before all this transpired, did you know the both the Boy and Girl Scouts were pandering to Muslims? A guy writing for Tea Party Nation, amazingly, brought this up just 2 years ago:
Did you know there is an Islamic Council on Scouting of North America and National Islamic C... (Boy Scouts of America)? I didn't think so.

According to their website, "The Islamic Council on Scouting vision and promise [is] to promote and guide cooperative contacts between the proper authorities of Muslim organizations, mosques, and proper authorities of Islamic organizations, mosques and centers in partnership with Scouting. This Vision is directed at developing the spiritual phase among Islamic youth by means of the Scout oath and law."
Daniel Pipes also noted this association back in 2004 and had several updates since, including the dhimmitude of the British Girl Scouts. This is something that may have been going on since the mid-80s. The Seattle Times had another report in 2008:
There are currently about 90 Boy Scout units — including Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturing Crews (for young men and women ages 14 to 20) — chartered to Muslim organizations. That's up from 58 eight years ago.
And just 2 years ago, World Net Daily reported:
The Boy Scouts of America maintains scouting partnerships with Islamic groups closely tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, WND has learned.

The Boy Scouts of America welcomes major religions, including Islam. It has incorporated under its banner a group called the National Islamic Committee on Scouting, or NICS, which provides Muslim scouts an opportunity to earn badges or emblems by participating in religious activities.
Now it's bad enough that the Scouts caved on the issues of homosexuality. But for all those sources whom they've betrayed, from parents to churches to synagogues, here's a challenging question they might want to ask themselves: where was the outrage over the Scouts' dhimmitude when the news first turned up? Why only now is it a dire affair?

Yes, the whole notion that the Scouts must appease a mindset that condones abnormal behavior - and that can also include beastiality - is atrocious. But pandering to a religion that condones violence and is the complete antithesis of Judeo-Christian values is even worse, and by allowing that alliance, the Boy and Girl Scouts alike have long betrayed all they allegedly stood for. Just because Islam is allegedly a religion that believes in monotheism (and the opposition to drawn imagery of Muhammed actually proves that part false) doesn't make it a good religion, and the Scouts' staff's failure to research and object to any association with Islamic groups proves they made an unfunny joke out of their morale long ago.

I will say in fairness that if the Boy Scouts needed some good advice on how to best combat the LGBT moonbats, they could have said that gays/lesbians are welcome to join their groups provided they're willing to make sacrifices and compromises not unlike what the military asks for - they could say they're allowed to join on the provision that a]they be willing give up their homosexuality, b]not be stubborn in believing homosexuality is something they absolutely must believe in just because they're told to, and c]even sponsor programs designed to help gays and lesbians overcome their mental situation so they can be properly heterosexual. There's really nothing too difficult about that. A co-ed scout movement could also have helped.

I have a feeling that despite where the Boy Scouts are going now, Muslim scout groups won't be subject to this embarrassment and no LGBTs will make noise over it, proving this was little more than a smokescreen for anti-Judeo-Christian sentiment. Yet the dhimmitude the Scouts fell into may explain why it got to this point, and why movements like the Tea Party didn't come to their aid. Why, what parent or donor in the right frame of mind could contribute to the Scouts if they realized their money could even go to funding dangerous Muslim organizations and propaganda?

In the end, it may not be a loss for everyone, once they realize how the Boy Scouts denigrated their own belief system by associating with Muslim activists. But for those who think it is, they'll have to come to terms with how failure to object to the Scouts' worst alliances was but one reason why this ended up happening too.

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