Thursday, June 06, 2013


Whoever thought to hold this year's Miss World pageant in Indonesia should be ashamed of themselves, as it only gives recognition to a country upholding Islamofascism. The UK Sun (via Jihad Watch) reports that:
BIKINIS have been banned from this year's Miss World contest - to ward off Islamic hardliners in Indonesia who threatened Lady Gaga.

The pageant is taking place in the Far East country for the first time and organisers are wary of upsetting Muslim fanatics.

In a bid to calm any tensions, the 137 women will ditch the traditional swimsuit round and instead wear more conservative outfits like sarongs.

The move comes after pop icon Lady Gaga was last year forced to scrap a gig in the world's most populous Muslim country.

The Born This Way singer had sold out a 52,000-seat stadium in Jakarta, but cops ordered her to pull out because of threats.

Fundamentalists accused her of "satanic teaching" and called her "vulgar".

They even threatened to stop the megastar from setting foot on Indonesian soil.

Habib Salim Alatas, of the Islamic Defenders Front, said: “She had better not dare spread her satanic faith here. Her style is vulgar, her sexual and indecent clothes will destroy our children’s sense of morality.

“She wears only panties and a bra when she sings and she stated she is the envoy of the devil’s child.”

Beyonce and the Pussycat Dolls were also both reportedly urged to "cover up" during her gig in Indonesia.

Much of this year's Miss World will take place on the idyllic island of Bali where thousands of holidaymakers are allowed to wear bikinis.

But the pageant's chairwoman Julia Morley said: "I do not want to upset or get anyone in a situation where we are being disrespectful.

"We treasure respect for all the countries that take part in the pageant," she said.
Very funny. What about the host countries; don't they also have a responsibility to show respect? The pageant should not be recognizing countries with totalitarian mindsets, and what they're doing now only politicizes it.

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