Thursday, June 06, 2013


According to the activist who heckled Michelle Obama, lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders make up 22% of the workforce.

Is this correct?

I work in NYC in industries with heavy non-hetero participation.

And it ain't even close to 10%.

Does anyone out there have the real numbers?

Just asking.... on account of the fact that I think the numbers on this are as wrong as the ones that purport to show muslims are worse victims of hate crimes than Jews, or that CO2 is causing catastrophic climate change. Or this idea that we can create economic growth by printing money. Or the idea that we can lower healthcare costs and health insurance prices by insuring more people for more health issues.

In other words, I'm inclined to think the 22% number is bogus. Propaganda. Postmodern leftist BS.


  1. It's 3% due to in vitro hormone malfunction(drunk/drugs during conception).

    Another 3% if you include bipolar/manic depressives/schizophrenics that are bi or homosexual because they don't have a lick of sense.

  2. My own anecdotal observation says 4-5%.

    But I live in California and worked in the media world most of my career.
