Sunday, May 26, 2013


One of the two savages who murdered the UK soldier had traveled through Kenya to try and reach the al Shabaab in Somalia, and was later sent back to Britain:
Evidence emerged last night that one of the suspects involved in the killing of the British soldier Lee Rigby was well known to anti-terror police and the security services for at least three years before the brutal Woolwich attack. Michael Adebolajo was arrested in Kenya under suspicion of being at the centre of an al-Qa'ida-inspired plot in 2010, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.

He was one of seven men arrested by Kenyan police after landing on an island off the Kenyan coast in November 2010. Local press reports of the arrests referred to Mr Adebolajo as a "Nigerian with a British passport" who was "suspected of masterminding the racket". Police claimed the men were travelling to Somalia to join the ranks of the al-Shabaab terrorist group. His family claimed he was held in detention and tortured before being deported back to Britain without charge.

After the incident, members of his family said he was "pestered" by MI5 agents pressuring him to become an informant for them and infiltrate radical Islamic extremist groups. Relatives said other family members were also harassed and questioned by the UK authorities. In an exclusive interview with The IoS, Mr Adebolajo's brother-in law claimed constant demands to get him to spy on Muslim clerics might have pushed him over the edge.

The allegation that MI5 knew of Mr Adebolajo's radical views for so long has increased the pressure on the intelligence services over their failure to recognise the scale of the threat he posed, amid the fall-out from the shocking killing of Drummer Rigby last Wednesday.
When I ponder the terrible circumstances that led to the horror of last week, I conclude that even if it's criminal for jihadists to travel abroad to wage Islamofascism, it's just as fatal an error for authorities to let these creatures back into the country because of the danger they could pose to the public.

But whether or not the authorities badgered him to help run surveillance on the mosques, it's Adebolajo who must be held accountable for his violent crimes, and he alone who's to blame. And for the horror he caused, he should be sent to the chair.

Update: more at the UK Mail.

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