Saturday, May 18, 2013


The latest census figures (via MSN) strongly suggest that the most dhimmified European country could be the first to have its prior religion supplanted by the Islam:
One in 10 people under 25 are Muslim, while Christianity is in decline, the 2011 UK census reveals. An explosion in the Muslim population and an aging Christian demographic could mean Islam will be the dominant religion in the UK in 10 years.

A new analysis of the 2011 census by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that the number of Christians was falling 50 per cent faster than had previously been thought. Earlier analysis of the statistics showed only a 15 per cent decline, but the ONS found that this figure had been beefed up by 1.2 million foreign-born Christians.

Furthermore, the re-analysis showed that the majority of Christians were over the age of 60 and for the first time less than half of young people describe themselves as Christian. As a result the ONS has calculated that in a decade only a minority will classify themselves as Christians in England. Christianity is still the dominant religion in the UK with over 50 per cent of the population regarding themselves as believers.

However, this may be set to change as the British Muslim population has surged dramatically over the past 15 years, increasing by 75 per cent in England and Wales. The 2011 census puts the Muslim population of the UK at around 5 per cent, a total that has been boosted by around 600,000 Muslim immigrants who have arrived in the UK over the past decade.
Many of these Muslim immigrants have since replaced much of the native British population throughout London, with 600,000 people moving out of the capitol in all that time. If the Muslims take up primary residence in London, it could easily become the first major city with a majority Muslim population. And so far, not enough people there have the guts to protest this sad state of affairs.


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Just stumbled across your blog and I think it's really good. I plan to put you in my links, hope you don't mind.

  2. the uk is already, faiap, a dhimmi nation.

    only ukip can save them. the tories are mving in the right diretion but only because of ukip success. the tories are phonies. i urge brits to support ukip and save britain.
