Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The New York Daily News writes about how the act of terrorism in Boston has left several people murdered, and destroyed the happiness of many more:
A day of joy ripped apart. Death. Blood. Panic. Images like those from a war. And yes, that familiar word burned in our minds more than a decade ago, a word we wished we could forget: terror.

That is what the Federal Bureau of Investigation has labeled Monday’s bomb blasts at the Boston Marathon, and it is the only word that can sensibly be used to describe explosions designed to kill, maim and cause widespread havoc.
Business Insider (via Jihad Watch) tells how the suspect in the case was tackled by a bystander while trying to get away:
The Saudi Arabian man who is reportedly in police custody following the Boston Marathon bombing was chased and tackled by bystanders shortly after the blast, according to CBS.

Senior correspondent John Miller, a former assistant director of the FBI, reported this:

There is an individual in custody … he is not free to go.

He is a Saudi national who was near the scene of the blast. When the blast happened he began to run. Now, in context, a lot of people began to run. A civilian who thought he was acting suspiciously chased him down and tackled him and then turned him over to Boston police, saying, I saw this guy hanging around over there acting suspiciously. And then he ran. That may mean a lot, it may mean nothing at all.
And in this report (also via Jihad Watch), it says he had a burn mark:
Following the twin blasts at the Boston Marathon that has claimed two lives and dozens injured, a Saudi national is being held in custody in relation to the incident who was near the scene of the blast, CBS News correspondent John Miller reported.

Law enforcement sources told Miller a witness saw a person acting suspiciously when the explosions happened along the marathon route.

"They see him running away from the device," said Miller. "Now, a reasonable person would be running away. But this person had noticed him before. This is a civilian -- chases him down, tackles him, turns him over to the Boston police. The individual is being looked at [and] was suffering from burn injury. That means this person was pretty close to wherever this blast went off, but not so close as to suffer the serious injuries that other people did."

Authorities told Miller that the person in custody is not charged and not under arrest. He is being cooperative, answering their questions, and denying involvement. They'll likely be going over this person's communications and examine every aspect of his life, as well as talk to the witness who tackled him to find out what the person of interest did that seemed suspicious.

"So if that individual pans out that," said Miller, "that of course,it gives the case a big jump forward. If not, then they're back to physical evidence, forensics, witnesses, and whatever they can pick up on those surveillance cameras."
Why did he run and not seek medical help on the spot? I think that's very legitimate grounds for concern, and they shouldn't try to say the suspect isn't under arrest, where there could be a lot of good reason to keep him in custody.

The Wash. Free Beacon (via Hot Air) reports that the investigation is being taken over by the FBI.

One of the worst things about terrorist attacks like these are that the monsters who commit the violent crimes set out to destroy the happiness of innocents.

Update: many residents of Boston are helping provide aid for victims. It's good that they can do all possible to help.

Update 2: one of the worst tragedies in this case is that an 8-year-old child was among those murdered. The monsters who carried out the terrorist attack must pay a very heavy price for taking the life of a young child.

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