Thursday, April 25, 2013


The bill to prevent use of sharia in Oklahoma courts has been approved by the governor, and the Tulsa World's editors have reacted most contemptibly about it:
So now Oklahomans can once again rest easy knowing that they will not have any foreign law, especially Shariah law, imposed on them in court.

Of course, that has never, ever happened in Oklahoma and isn't about to be in the future, statute or no statute.

What a colossal waste of time and effort. This new law, which will take affect Nov. 1, serves no purpose other than to keep anti-Muslim passions inflamed.
Very pathetic of them, and it completely ignores incidents of sharia being imposed in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Texas. They cannot bring themselves to thank a concerned politician for wanting to help people whose safety and constitutional rights could be jeopardized by these atrocities, and above all, they clearly want corrupt lawmakers to be able to enact bad foreign laws. In that case, they have no business being journalists.

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