Sunday, April 07, 2013


The IDF chief of staff has visited what was one of the most nightmarish sites in Poland/Europe, and said that:
IDF Chief of Staff Lt-Gen. Benny Gantz spoke at the site of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland on Sunday on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, saying that "Israel ensures that a horror such as this will not recur."

Gantz, who was set to lead the March of the Living memorial event on Monday, said that "the IDF is the defensive shield of the national home - a safe haven for the Jewish people."

Gantz added that he was proud in the name of Holocaust survivors, "to learn the lessons of the past in order to ensure the safety of the future."

Gantz landed in Poland on Sunday together with a delegation of senior military officials to take part in the March of the Living.

Parents who lost their children in battle, disabled IDF veterans, and a Holocaust survivor have joined the delegation.
Thank goodness today, we have control over our own country.

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