Wednesday, February 20, 2013


A terrible thing has happened to a family of vacationers to Cameroon:
A French family of seven, including four children, has been abducted by the Nigeria-based radical Islamist “Boko Haram” terrorist organization. The kidnappers moved the family yesterday from the far north of Cameroon, where they were abducted, to neighboring Nigeria, where Boko Haram is based.

An Islamist group which strongly opposes man-made laws and modern science, the organization was founded by Mohammed Yusuf in 2001 and seeks to establish Shari'a (Islamic law) in the country. The group is also known for attacking Christians and bombing churches, and has been responsible for at least 450 killings.

Among those kidnapped were the two parents, an uncle and four children ages five, eight, 10 and 12. They were abducted Tuesday by six gunmen on three motor bikes while traveling near the Waza nature reserve. Their vehicle was later discovered in a river near the Cameroon border with Nigeria.

The father in the family is an employee in French gas company GDF Suez.

Police in both countries are involved in the investigation.
Pray for the safety of the victims.

Update: French forces have arrived in the area to search for the hostages.

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