Thursday, February 28, 2013


The monsters who murdered the Fogel family 2 years ago had at least 3 helpers who've also been given time in the slammer:
Salah Awad was convicted of admitting to his home the two murderers on the night the Fogel family members were killed. The two told Salah Awad of their act, and he allowed them to leave the murder weapons in his home and gave them a change of clothing so they could get away. Later, he moved the weapons to another location after getting wind that he was part of the investigation. He was sentenced to seven years in prison.

Another culprit, Hassan Awad, also arranged for hiding places for the terrorists. He was sentenced to 23 months in prison, and will be required to pay a fine. A third culprit, Yazid Awad, admitted to investigators that he had knowledge of the murders and of the Awad brothers' role in the crime, and offered them “material assistance.” He was sentenced to four years in prison.
Given the sadistic methods used in the murder, even their sentences aren't enough.

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