Monday, January 14, 2013


The PLO's been up to some of its old tricks again, having apparently encouraged something vaguely similar to Occupy Wall Street over at the E-1 site near Maaleh Adumim, and the IDF has fortunately removed them:
The IDF and police forces early Sunday morning evacuated some 250 Palestinian activists from an outpost they erected in E1, an undeveloped area in the Ma’aleh Adumim settlement.
There's a lie detected there: Ma'aleh Adumim is not a "settlement". It is a town of almost 100,000 people, and pretty large for a burg in its kind of area.
They completed the evacuation around an hour later, with no arrests or injuries reported by police, although Palestinian activists said at least one man was taken to a Ramallah hospital. Those protesters who refused to leave were carried down the hill by officers, but there was no violence, police said.

"Everyone was evacuated carefully and swiftly, without any injuries to officers or protesters," said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.

Activists said police brought at least some of those evicted to the Kalandiya checkpoint in the north of Jerusalem.

Prior to the evacuation, the state had appealed to the High Court of Justice, asking the court to rescind a temporary injunction it issued on Friday, saying that failure to evacuate immediately will lead to riots in the area.

In the interim, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ordered access roads to the area closed. The IDF then declared it a closed military zone. [...]

In an effort to prevent Israeli building in E1, the Palestinian nongovernmental organization the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee organized a group of Palestinians – as well as Israeli and other foreign activists – to head to the area to build a village, which they have called Bab Alshams (“Gate of the Sun”).
How typical of them to take over a plot of land like that and then name it according to their selfish beliefs because of what they've been indoctrinated to believe.

This clearing away thugs marks a positive example of the government showing the courage to take down an illegal Muslim outpost, and the perpetrators must be kept far away from it.

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