Wednesday, January 16, 2013


The Australian tells of 5 Muslim creeps who were sentenced to prison for plotting terror attacks who are now trying to get their sentences reduced all in the name of cultural sensitivity:
THEY are the convicted terrorists who planned to bomb a Sydney target and appeared to wear their time in prison like a of badge of honour.

But five members of the western Sydney terrorist cell have appealed against their record sentences - which ranged from 23 to 28 years - claiming the judge who sent them to jail was too severe.

Mohamed Ali Elomar, Khaled and Moustafa Cheikho, Abdul Rakib Hasan and Mohammed Omar Jamal were part of a nine-man terrorist cell that planned to attack an unspecified Sydney target.

They were found guilty by a jury on October 16, 2009, and now retired judge Anthony Whealy ordered the men serve the longest jail sentences for terrorism offences in Australia. The Sunday Telegraph can reveal a date has been set for their court challenge in the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal: June 3.

The federal Director of Public Prosecutions said: "The defendants have lodged appeals against their sentences and the severity of their sentences." Their trial heard the men were Muslim extremists who intended to wage "violent jihad" against Australia to "coerce or influence by intimidation the Australian Government" to drop its support for US involvement in "Middle Eastern and other areas involving Muslims".
Those sick men are prime examples of Islamofascists who have no shame, and refuse to recognize that their actions were/are wrong. And now they're trying to get away with even their attempted crimes. What can be done to prevent legal jihad from occurring?

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