Saturday, December 08, 2012


Shmuley Boteach's written on Big Peace about some rabbis of a synagogue called Bnei Jeshurun who're supporting PLO statehood. What I don't see mentioned though, is whether these dhimmi rabbis are part of the Neturei Karta sect or even the Satmars, and for all I know, they might not be. All the same, whenever so-called Hasidics like these take up such horrific standings, there is cause to worry. Just a few weeks ago, the most anti-Israel Haredi sect was holding rallies in favor of the PLO. They even advertised they were going to hold a rally in favor of PLO statehood, and the St. Paul Pioneer Press seems quite pleased to get pictures of them siding with the enemy. Are the specific rabbis in question connected in any way with Neturei Karta and Satmar? I don't know, but for now, what is clear is that rabbis Boteach is talking about should be ashamed of themselves.

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