Sunday, December 30, 2012


The leftist-dominated supreme court has reversed the decision made by a Knesset panel to disqualify Haneen Zoabi from running due to her participation in the flotilla monstrosity:
The High Court on Sunday overturned the Central Election Committee's decision to disqualify MK Haneen Zoabi (Balad) from running for a seat in the upcoming elections, rejecting their claim that she should be banned based on her involvement in the Gaza flotilla in May 2010. [...]

Zoabi's attorney Hassan Jabareen claimed Zoabi's participation in the 2010 Gaza flotilla aboard the Mavi Marmara was "a legitimate political action done by an MK that is protesting the blockade [on Gaza]." [...]

The Likud party on Sunday responded to the decision, saying it is clear the existing law "has to change" and stated "unequivocally that any expression of support for terrorism amongst candidates will result in their disqualification from the Knesset."

MK Yariv Levin said the decision is a "scandal," adding that it exposes Knesset and the IDF to terror.

MK Danny Danon, who petitioned the Election Committee asking to disqualify Zoabi, said following the Court ruling that he thinks "Zoabi belongs in jail."

"The court decided to back the Marmara terrorist (Zoabi) instead of the Navy soldiers that were attacked with knives and clubs by the IHH terrorists," he said.
Why wasn't a proper law drafted sooner? What Zoabi did was very serious, and should not have been dealt with lightly. Now we have to hope that they'll get serious and be able to in the next Knesset, but only time will tell.

Update: on the other hand, look at how prosecutors are willing now to go after Avigdor Lieberman full force. While I can't say I'm particularly fond of him, what's happening now is only symbolic of the bias in the legal system.

Update 2: Ruthie Blum has a good analysis of the situation on Israel Hayom.

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