Monday, December 10, 2012


This video shows how the IDF apparently has its hands tied when dealing with some Muslim riots in Judea/Samaria (Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs):
Video has surfaced of a confrontation between IDF soldiers and a mob of rock-throwing Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank. The incident took place outside the village of Kafr Qaddum and comes only days after a similar scene played out in Hebron.

In the video the IDF soldiers attempt to disperse a riot before retreating to their posts under a deluge of rocks and stones.

According to Israel’s Maariv three soldiers were injured in the incident, “two by stones, one with a fractured hand and the other in the face with a cut to his head. Another fighter was hurt when a stun grenade exploded and burned his hand. The injured soldiers were evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva.”

A source in the IDF told The Algemeiner that soldiers must ask for approval before using force. “Every time you go out on a mission you breach the subject beforehand,” the source said. “Every scenario has its own procedure of how you can engage fire or what they’re going to do in specific scenarios.” The source continued.

If the expectation for that particular mission doesn’t go as expected, as was the case in that scene in the video, then the soldiers have no recourse but to retreat. “I was in the reserve two weeks ago and I heard over the radio that several soldiers were surrounded by a mob throwing rocks and they had to wait for permission to use rubber bullets,” the source said.

Ynet reports that many soldiers have complained of the vague rules of engagement.

For its part an IDF spokesperson for the soldiers’ unit released the following statement:

“The incident depicted in the video is being investigated. The event took place during a violent and illegal riot in Qaddum – one of the most violent areas in the Judea and Samaria Sector.

“Following the incident, the orders pertaining to crowd control were clarified further, stressing that soldiers must break up violent riots with professional determination, while exerting operational discretion as to the use of force.”
Ayn Rand spoke about things like this during the Vietnam war, and how it was shameful if even there, they couldn't use stern force in dealing with the commies there, saying it was "worse than appeasement". The IDF command owes an apology to the soldiers, and most importantly, must change the rules to allow for proper defense.

1 comment:

  1. Sigh tried to comment got an error so here it go's again:

    Same thing go's for Gaza:
