Monday, December 31, 2012


There were actually 2 injustices here: the other one is that the reporter she gave the info to only got community service:
The Supreme Court on Monday reduced by one year the prison sentence of Anat Kamm, who was convicted of leaking classified military documents to a journalist during her army service. [...]

In 2008, Blau published details from the documents in a series of articles that led investigators to Kamm’s door, and in 2010 she was arrested for espionage.

In February 2011, Kamm signed a plea bargain that stipulated that she would not be charged with harming national security if she pleaded guilty to leaking state secrets. In October 2011, she was sentenced to four and a half years in prison and 18 months’ probation.

Monday’s decision, made by Supreme Court justices Edna Arbel, Zvi Zilbertal and Uzi Vogelman, reduced the sentence to three and a half years. [...]

In her appeal, Kamm claimed that the severity of her sentence was discriminatory in light of the fact that Blau, who received and published details from the stolen documents, was sentenced to only four months’ community service. She emphasized that she had since expressed regret for her actions.
Neither one had been dealt proper justice via sentencing.

In related news, the AP Wire called her a "whistleblower". Now what does that sound like? It sounds like they're condoning her behavior by implying that what the IDF does is illegal. Absolutely shameful of them. Thank goodness some newspapers still in business are going to stop using their services.

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