Monday, December 24, 2012


It may only have landed within the Gaza boundary, but a missile was fired anew (Hat tip: The Algemeiner):
Gaza terrorists attempted to fire a rocket at Israel on Sunday.

The Kassam missile landed in an open area in the Gaza Strip, causing no injuries or damage, the IDF Spokesman’s Office said.

The rocket fire is a breach of the Egyptian-mediated ceasefire signed by Hamas on November 21 ending Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense. As part of the deal, Hamas agreed to halt its own fire and rein in other terror groups.

Also on Sunday, IDF soldiers arrested two unarmed Palestinians who crossed the Gaza border fence.
If one rocket could be fired, others could be waiting in the cannon ports. This is just a sample of the taqqiya tactics that'll be used by jihadists when they think they're at a disadvantage, before continuing their savagery again.

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