Sunday, December 09, 2012


After Israel's government froze transfers of money to the PLO, something that should've been done long ago, what happens next but the Islamic countries offer a "financial safety net" to the PLO to cover for the costs they're facing now:
Arab states agreed to provide the Palestinian Authority with a $100 million monthly "financial safety net" to help President Mahmoud Abbas's government cope with an economic crisis after the United Nations granted de facto statehood to Palestine.

Israel has responded to the Nov. 29 U.N. vote by ordering 3,000 Jewish settler homes be built in the occupied West Bank and announced it would hold back payments of customs duties it collects on behalf of the Palestinians to pay an outstanding electricity bill.

In a statement on Sunday after a meeting in Doha, Arab foreign ministers called for the immediate implementation of a resolution passed at an Arab summit in Baghdad in March, which called for the provision of a $100 million monthly safety net.
All that does is signal just what those Islamic countries actually think of Israel, and come to think of it, Reuters too. The PLO deliberately did not pay electric bills for many years, and Israel ended up footing it for them, all at the taxpayers expense. No doubt the money the PLO should've paid went for financing terrorist tactics, and that's why they wouldn't pay. They'll probably use the money being given by the Arabic states for the same.

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