Friday, November 23, 2012


The Israeli authorities have captured some of the monsters who were involved in the bombing that took place in Tel Aviv:
Shin Bet officers and police arrested the terrorists who bombed a bus in Tel Aviv on Wednesday several hours after the device exploded, the agency revealed on Thursday evening.

The cell’s members mostly came from Beit Lakia, near Ramallah, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced in a statement, without saying how many were under arrest.

During their preliminary interrogation, the cell’s members identified with Hamas and Islamic Jihad and said they had agreed to commit an act of terrorism, prepared the bomb and purchased cellular phones to detonate it by remote control.

They also said one of the cell’s members was from Taiba in Israel. He originally come from Beit Lakia, and acquired Israeli citizenship after marrying an Israeli Arab.

The cell is said to have reached Tel Aviv in a car belonging to an Arab from east Jerusalem who employed the man from Taiba. The latter was in charge of putting the device on the bus, and after he notified his Beit Lakia commander by phone, the bomb was detonated from Beit Lakia.

The Shin Bet said the interrogation was still not complete and that further arrests were expected.

Of the 28 Israelis wounded in the bombing, five remained hospitalized on Thursday, one in serious condition.
Those who took part in this cell should have their citizenship revoked for their horrific crimes. It's lucky that there weren't any deaths in this attack.

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