Friday, November 02, 2012


Andrew Bostom's written about polling research finding that many Muslims in the USA shun its values:
When asked, "Do you believe that criticism of Islam or Muhammad should be permitted under the Constitution's First Amendment?", 58% replied "no," while only 42% affirmed this most basic manifestation of freedom of speech, i.e., to criticize religious, or any other dogma.

Indeed, oblivious to US constitutional law, as opposed to Islam's Sharia, a largely concordant 45% of respondents agreed "...that those who criticize or parody Islam in the U.S. should face criminal charges," while 38% did not, and 17% were "unsure." Moreover, fully 12% of this Muslim sample even admitted they believed in application of the draconian, Sharia-based punishment for the non-existent crime of "blasphemy" in the US code, answering affirmatively, "...that Americans who criticize or parody Islam should be put to death."

Also, consistent with such findings 43% of these US Muslims rejected the right of members of other faiths to proselytize to adherents of Islam, disagreeing, "...that U.S. citizens have a right to evangelize Muslims to consider other faiths." Additional confirmatory data revealed that nearly two-fifths (39%) agreed "...that Shariah law should be considered when adjudicating cases that involve Muslims, " while nearly one-third (32%) of this American Muslim sample believed "...Shariah law should be the supreme law of the land in the US."

These alarming data remind us that despite intentionally obfuscating apologetics, Sharia, Islamic law, is not merely holistic, in the general sense of all-encompassing, but totalitarian, regulating everything from the ritual aspects of religion, to personal hygiene, to the governance of a Muslim minority community, Islamic state, bloc of states, or global Islamic order.
As Bryan Fischer at Renew America says, that's why:
To allow Islamic ideology to take root in America is to nurture a parasite which will eventually destroy its host. [...]

Think about that. Almost half of the Muslims in America would throw Christians in prison if they could, simply for telling them the truth about Islam, and 1 out of every 8 Muslims you meet in America think you should have your head cut off for doing such a thing. [...]

This illustrates the sad, disturbing and lethal fact that, while there may be moderate Muslims, there is no such thing as moderate Islam. A disturbingly large number of so-called "moderate" Muslims in the U.S. would like to rule us with an iron fist if they could. What they lack is not the will but only the power.

Bottom line: Islam and America cannot coexist in the same space. Islam will not permit it.

Clearly there is no effort being made by the majority of Muslims in America to assimilate to our culture and embrace our values. They are here, not to adapt to us, but to force us to adapt to them. To accommodate Islam in America is to commit societal suicide.
And that's one more reason why, as he's also argued, immigration from Muslim countries has to be suspended, because we can't take risks anymore of the possibility that it could serve as a way for terrorists to infiltrate.

Update: Robert Spencer and Michael Coren spoke about these findings on Sun TV.

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