Friday, October 26, 2012


Richard Falk, the pro-PLO official in the UN who's also a 9-11 Truther, is now calling for a boycott of USA businesses that support Israel:
Richard Falk, The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied Since 1967, called on the UN General Assembly and civil society to take reprisal action in the form of boycotts against U.S. and other international businesses that are profiting from Israeli settlements. He made this recommendation in delivering a summary of his report on October 25th to the General Assembly’s Third Committee.

Falk called on civil society organizations “to vigorously pursue initiatives to boycott, divest and sanction the businesses highlighted in this report.”

The companies Falk targeted for a concerted boycott include two U.S. companies – Caterpillar Incorporated and Motorola.

“All Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, have been established in clear violation of international law,” Falk charged.

Falk argued that any businesses complicit in breaches of international humanitarian law – which he routinely accuses Israel of violating – “may be subject to criminal or civil liability. And this liability can be extended to individual employees of such businesses.”

Falk’s anti-Israeli bias drips from virtually every word he utters. His latest report contained page after page of denunciations of Israel without mentioning even once continuing Palestinian acts of terrorism or blatant Palestinian violations of international human rights law, such as using civilian human shields and placing lethal weapons in mosques, hospitals and other locations frequented by civilians in Gaza.
I think it's the UN that needs to be boycotted - none of these businesses should be selling their products to the UN management if this is how Falk and other like him in that grotto of political filth are going to act. No sensible person's tax figures should foot the bill for the UN anymore.

Update: Canada's joined Israel in calling for Falk's removal from his post. And he most definitely should be.

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