Wednesday, October 31, 2012


We have another case of a so-called Hasid who violated the Torah's teachings:
A female IDF soldier filed a police complaint against a haredi man whom she claims spat on her and her mother while the two were sitting inside their car on the Bar Ilan road in Jerusalem. [...]

According to the soldier, the haredi man shouted the words "Good women, good women" at her and then spat at her mother. "He hit her neck and then spat on me," she claims.

"Several minutes later we made a u-turn and returned to the junction," she recounted. "I noticed him entering a yeshiva and managed to take a photograph of his back before he disappeared."

She further added, "As a native of Jerusalem I know and respect this society. I know it's just a handful of people that tarnishes the reputation of an entire sector. I was very offended by what he did."
And with good reason. That was assault and vehicle invasion he committed, and he should be made to pay a stiff fine. I hope he's found, and soon.

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