Monday, October 15, 2012


A judge in this case has made the foolish choice of accepting a plea bargain:
Moshe Friedman, 28, a haredi man from Beit Shemesh, was sentenced Sunday to three months of community service over attacking a media crew last December.

Taking the plea bargain, he was convicted of assaulting Channel 10 photographer Yaniv Shmueli and Beit Shemesh City official Richard Peres at the scene.

Three months prior to the rally, Friedman assaulted IDF Radio reporter Tal Yehezkeli, as she was covering an ultra-Orthodox rally that took place at the same area. Friedman shouted "shiksa" and spat at her several times. As a result he was charged with assault.

Despite these reoccurring cases Magistrates' Court Judge Avital Chen, approved the plea bargain, sentencing Friedman to three months of community service only.

The judge explained the ruling saying that Friedman was a family man with no prior convictions, and that he has accepted responsibility for his actions, in addition to the period of time he already spent in jail.
I'm afraid it's still too minor a sentence. He should definitely be put on probation, and be shunned from civilized society. What he did was also a violation of the Torah he'd claim he was upholding. His crimes included the following to boot:
According to the indictment, photographer Shmueli and reporter Asaf Uzan arrived at Jordan Square in Beit-Shemesh and were soon surrounded by haredim demanding they leave the area. Shmueli and Uzan called Peres requesting assistance but his arrival at the scene did little to calm things down.

Friedman was convicted of shoving the photographer and blocking his way when he tried opening the back of his car. Calling the media crew "nazis", Friedman did not calm down even when the police showed up. He resisted the policeman trying to arrest him and was charged with assaulting a public officer.
Those are very serious offenses coupled with what was stated above, and family matters cannot serve as an excuse for letting him off with a slap on the wrist.

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