Friday, October 12, 2012


Last night, Biden consistently behaved as if a brat in junior high:

Comment from Nicoenarg, at this thread at Infidel Bloggers Alliance:
[W]atching this debate from Argentina and as a non American, I have to say that I felt disgusted by Biden's whole performance but specifically his condescending smile.

I've watched a lot of debates over the years and the only times I have seen that smile is when the debater has nothing to offer but wants to win by belittling the opponent.

These kinds of people do win support from their followers but turn off those who are with the opposition but more importantly those who were independent.

I think it was a great debate for democrats because their guy "shut Ryan up". But I think Biden might have pushed the independents away even more than Obama did in the first debate.
I concur with Nicoenarg.

In my view, Biden vacillated between a patronizing attitude and disruptive behavior.  Any points that he could have won on substance were largely negated by his juvenile behavior bordering on bullying.

Ryan, on the other hand, was a bit too wimpy at times.  Was he showing respect for his elder and respect for the office of Vice President?  Maybe.

I doubt that either Biden or Ryan won or lost any votes as a result of last night's debate.


  1. After watching some of the excerpts - I have not seen the entire debate - I think we should forgive Biden for his immature behaviour - he appeared to be slightly overmedicated - that could be why he could not control himself.

  2. Northern Seer,
    Or, maybe Biden had imbibed beforehand.

    Hard to tell what's going on with him.
