Friday, September 28, 2012


Walter Bingham writes in the Jerusalem Post about the case of Jews who fled Arab-Islamic countries circa the War of Independence in 1948, who had their properties confiscated and still seek justice for what they lost:
Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC) is an organization to publicize that more than 800,000 Jews had to leave Arab countries after Israel’s declaration of independence, because their safety was in danger and their livelihood was taken from them.

They fight for international recognition as refugees and therefore entitlement to restitution for their losses of property and business. The organization’s mission statement reads: “To ensure that Justice for Jews from Arab Countries assumes its rightful place on the international political agenda and that their rights be secured as a matter of law and equity.”

Yet all the world only talks about the approximately 700,000 registered Arab refugees who willingly left Israel during the 1948 War of Independence, in the hope of returning to a larger slice once the Jews have been driven out.

They have now multiplied to 5 million, because the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the UN aid organization especially set up for them, considers all their descendants refugees, regardless of their present place of residence, nationality or economic situation. Thus, prosperous Arab-Americans whose grandfathers left the fledgling Israel are counted as refugees.
And with the UN in the grip of the Islamofascists, that's why we cannot expect them to ever agree to give the Jewish refugees an audience.

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