Monday, September 17, 2012


The 21st Century is young but its trajectory is no longer inscrutable.  As I see it, the 21st Century began in 1989 - when the fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of the Cold War and placed the United States of America at the Apex of World Power.  The next decade saw fantastic economic growth while behind the scenes, the Enemies of Freedom,  and Nations jealous of the USA began their schemes to take the United States down a notch.
The economic cycles of boom and bust... the DotCom Bubble followed by Greenspan's Reinflation...   the 9/11 attack followed by Greenspan's 2nd Reinflation...   the Housing Bubble followed by Bernanke's 3rd Reinflation is a story of how the United States is trying to finance the Globalisation of the Free Capitalist System through Consumption and Credit.  But the tides of the World Economy are not nearly as important as the Political  and Ideological Struggle we face.
Today, when I read that the UN is reporting that Militant Jihadists are streaming to Syria - then the contours of this contest become painfully obvious.

It is obvious that 9/11 was the undenialble proclamation of the Evil Intent of the Jihadistas. 9/11 was far from the first or last attack upon Western Civilisation from the Jihadistas.  The unifying goal of the Jihadistas is to establish Sharia throughout the Caliphate and destroy Israel. They will continue until the West abandons Israel.

While President Bush's invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq put the Jihadistas on their heels, it is now more than clear that the Muslim Brotherhood has cleverly adopted the tools of Democracy and Demographics to further their goals and consolidate power throughout the Region. 

The Arab Spring is the Trojan Horse Tet Offensive of the Jihadistas.  It is the Counter attack of Jihad.  Today the Jihadistas have the initiative - they may even have their man in the White House!


  1. great post.

    tho the shit may have really started to hit the fan in 1979 with the fall of the shah courtesy of jimmy carter - who also got the ball rolling on the housing bubble by passing the cra.

    no matter when you start the blame on our side belongs on the left.

  2. oh, btw: 1979 is also the last time a usa diplomat was murdered.

    by guess who?

  3. well the struggle between the west and the Jihadistas goes way way back - my point is that 1989 marked the end of the prevailing theme - the Cold War - and 9/11 marks the emergence of the new dominant theme.

    Alex - for 200 dollars in Murdered US Diplomats: Who is Adolph Dubs?
