Friday, August 10, 2012


Yes, it IS racism and a return to definition three of the quota system.

According to the Daily Caller (hat tip to Freedom By the Way):
President Barack Obama is backing a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals’ behavior.

His July 26 executive order established a government panel to promote “a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”


“What this means is that whites and Asians will get suspended for things that blacks don’t get suspended for,” because school officials will try to level punishments despite groups’ different infraction rates, predicted Hans Bader, a counsel at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Bader is a former official in the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights, and has sued and represented school districts and colleges in civil-rights cases.

“It is too bad that the president has chosen to set up a new bureaucracy with a focus on one particular racial group, to the exclusion of all others,” said Roger Clegg, the president of the Center for Equal Opportunity....
The rest is HERE.

I now speak as a teacher and school administrator with over forty years' experience....

Read the rest at Always On Watch.


  1. treating individuals as members of a group instead of individuals is evil.

    and the core of the left's agenda.

    they have to because their party is merely a collection of factions seeking to loot.

    they routinely violate principles they sometimes espouse if violating them helps them attain power, keep power, or get loot.

    it seems unprincipled to anyone with universalist principles, but it actuall serves the one priciple they have:

    "get power - hold power - use power to serve the factions of the party that help get power and hold power."

  2. Reliapundit,
    I am ALARMED in the extreme by this particular executive order -- even though I work in the "safe" homeschool environment. By "safe" I'm referring to not having to be politically correct.

    But, sooner of later, the likes of Obama are going to come after us working in the homeschool domain.

    Worse, look at how many young people are going to be adversely affected by this executive order.


  3. yes: it's destructive of individuality and a healthy society.

    groupism - and collectivistic practice that treats people as members of a group and not individuals - is fundamentally evil.

    and no good can come of it.

  4. This is what I spend a lot of time doing anymore. Trying to stop the further destruction of America by educating others.

    And if you don't know, Memphis closed it's public housing just like Chicago. A study was done, crime followed the former residents. Where did the Cabrini crime go?

    Memphis Schools failed, Memphis sued Shelby County and the county was forced to accept the schools into their district.

    Here is a “timely” report that was “just” published: "Opportunities Suspended: The Disparate Impact of Disciplinary Exclusion from School", By Daniel J. Losen and Jonathan Gillespie. August 2012

    I say timely because: Executive Order -- White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans -

    "(vi) reducing the dropout rate of African American students and helping African American students graduate from high school prepared for college and a career, in part by promoting a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools, and by supporting successful and innovative dropout prevention and recovery strategies that better engage African American youths in their learning, help them catch up academically, and provide those who have left the educational system with pathways to reentry;"

    Disparate impact: White kids have to be experience "disciplinary tools" at the same rates as black students. Affirmative Action Dicipline ... Example: Stan disses Shitavious by getting a question right that Shitavious couldn't answer because he didn't do his homework. Shitavious shanks Stan. Stan gets suspended for dissing Shitavious. Shitavious gets suspended for shanking Stan. And yes Virginia, there really is someone named Shitavious:

    Illinois has high black suspension rates, Cook County even higher. One school specifically cited in the UCLA CCRR report: Thornton Township High School – see table 4D on page 32 of the UCLA CCRR report (linked above).

    Thornton (click Next: Students):
