Thursday, August 30, 2012


Leo Rennert at the American Thinker points to some double standards led by the NYT and Wash. Post, when they reported on an attack led by some Jewish teenagers against an Arab in Jerusalem, yet at the same time, they would not say a word about a Jewish student who was victim of racist assault in Michigan, and there's plenty of anti-semitic hate crimes committed by Muslims here that don't get their attention either.

The Jerusalem Post wrote about this local case and told something interesting regarding the motivations for condemning it:
Too often, politicians and leaders denounce Jewish attacks on Palestinians not because they are morally reprehensible, but because they could ignite a third intifada.
As despicable as the crime committed near Zion Square was, it's just as troubling that the only reason politicians could have for slamming the offenses is because they're so worried about mob violence ensuing. How does that help?

They're also guilty at the same time of not properly condemning Muslim attacks on Jews, as in a case like this one, which I'm not sure got the official condemnation and damnation that it should've received. In that case, there's another serious detractor they're guilty of. (The Jerusalem Post is also guilty on their part at time of writing propaganda that potentially legitimizes the lie of their ever being a "palestinian people", and some of it shows in that op-ed too.)

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