Monday, July 09, 2012


Laura Rubenfeld at Big Peace writes about how the Jewish Federation of LA caved to attacks by CAIR and a number of other Islamist groups and canceled Pamela Geller's scheduled appearance with SIOA at their building with the ZOA. To my knowledge, they may have apologized later, but this is still a very shameful act on their part and a very disgraceful example of Jewish Americans who cater to Islam and dhimmitude. There's more about this case here, which also notes:
The Federation demonstrated cowardice in not standing up to violent intimidation, but it never repudiated Geller’s message. Hamas-linked CAIR and the media have ignored this and portrayed the cancellation as a rejection of that message because they would like Americans to believe that even a mainstream Jewish organization like the Federation is unwilling to discuss Islamic anti-Semitism and jihad – which Geller correctly identifies as the root cause of the Israel/“Palestinian” conflict. The more ignorant and complacent Americans are about the Jew-hatred that is deeply rooted within Islam, and the Islamic texts and teachings that exhort Muslims to wage war against and subjugate Jews and other non-Muslims, the happier Hamas-linked CAIR and its cohorts are.

And indeed, the reality is quite ugly. The Qur'an says that the Jews are "the most hostile of men to the believers" (5:82), and are under the curse of Allah (2:89; 9:30). "O believers,” the Qur’an says to Muslims, “take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Whoso of you makes them his friends is one of them. God guides not the people of the evildoers" (5:51).

In a hadith, Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, says that "the last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him" (Sahih Muslim 6985). Islamic doctrine holds that all land that has once belonged to the House of Islam belongs by right to the Muslims forever, and that no non-Muslim state has any legitimacy upon such land; consequently, the idea of a Jewish State in the Middle East is absolutely unacceptable to Muslims on theological grounds. No negotiated agreement or concessions from Israel will mitigate these doctrines, which amount to an imperative to destroy Israel entirely.
And the Federation has the gall to appease monsters who advocate filth like that? Again, it's truly shameful.


  1. The madness and dhimmitude have no end!

  2. It was either David Horowitz or Monica Crowley over the weekend on CSPAN/booktv who described the CAIR attack against US as historically unprecedented (I think the former). Germany tried to exploit the freedom of association in WWI & WWII, but no other enemy has tried to exploit freedom of religion, which is viewed as more sacrosanct, to undermine US freedoms.

  3. It was either David Horowitz or Monica Crowley over the weekend on CSPAN/booktv who described the CAIR attack against US as historically unprecedented (I think the former). Germany tried to exploit the freedom of association in WWI & WWII, but no other enemy has tried to exploit freedom of religion, which is viewed as more sacrosanct, to undermine US freedoms.
