Wednesday, July 04, 2012


The police have arrested 3 culprits in the anti-semitic graffiti case at Yad Vashem, and the worst part is, the main one responsible is an ultra-Orthodox of a potentially Satmar/Neturai karta-type upbringing:
The state prosecutor on Tuesday filed an indictment against an ultra-Orthodox man for defacing the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and two IDF war memorials. At Yad Vashem, the graffiti he allegedly sprayed included: “If Hitler hadn’t existed, the Zionists would have invented him.”

Elhanan Ostrowitz, a 31-year-old Jerusalem resident, was charged at the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court for spraying anti-Zionist hate slogans at the sites and, apparently, has shown no remorse for his actions. [...]

During questioning, Ostrowitz said that if he had the chance he would bomb the Knesset, the High Court, and IDF army bases, the prosecutor wrote. The accused also claimed he received funding to assist him in his campaign.

Ostrowitz, who describes himself as an anti-Zionist, reconnoitered Yad Vashem to examine its security systems before spraying anti-Zionist hate slogans on walls and defacing memorials at the site last month. In another attack, he sprayed graffiti on an IDF war memorial at Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem and tried to burn an Israeli flag flying at the site. Ostrowitz also defaced three IDF memorials in the Jordan Valley.
Haaretz has more:
Ostrowitz's father, Ehud Or, told Haaretz he was angry at his son over his "extremely unethical" actions, for which he should be punished. [...]

The police said the vandalism took place over a period of three months. The first incident was in April, when Ostrowitz allegedly sprayed anti-Zionist slogans and an image of the Palestinian flag on two military memorials in the Jordan Valley. According to the charge sheet he and four other people drove a rented car to one site, where he painted the flag. The group then defaced a second memorial, bearing the names of Israeli war dead, with slogans such as "Zionists out."

Three days later, the indictment states, Ostrowitz sprayed the Ammunition Hill war memorial in Jerusalem, with slogans including "Shimon Peres is Amalek," equating Israel's president with the quintessential Bible-era enemy of the Jewish people. Another slogan read "Gunter Grass is strong and brave," in a reference to the German writer who has been publicly critical of Israel.
Sometimes I just wish there was an official law permitting exile of traitors like this one. He belongs in more backwards countries like Britain, or Venezuela, Germany/Austria, or even Egypt. The weirdest part though, is that he would insult Shimon Peres, after all he'd done in past years, such as his chumminess with Yasir Arafat, and harming the country with appeasement.

But I'm glad to see the creep's father came out against him for his abominations, and summed up just what should be done with him for now: penalize severely.

Update: The Yeshiva World says that the criminal is reportedly part of Neturei Karta, though one of their US heads denies it.

Update 2: The Jerusalem Post verifies the Neturei Karta connections more clearly, and says:
The suspects – members of Natorei Karta – were found in possession of large amounts of texts condemning Zionism and Israel, PLO flags and paint. Texts suspected to be incitement to hatred were also found on computers.

Natorei Karta – a small but vocal, extreme anti-Zionist sect – believes that the founding of the State of Israel, without specific divine intervention, was a sin.
These Karta Kreeps are really pure dhimmis! So badly in fact that it looks like they're well on their way to becoming a jihadist's best companion.

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