Thursday, June 14, 2012


Imagine that Nick Kristof had been reporting from Germany instead of Iran, and in 1938, instead of 2012.  This is what he would have said:

The government of the Reich gave me a very rare journalist visa, along with permission to drive unescorted across the country on a government-approved route from Breslau in the east to Wiesbaden in the west, and back to Berlin. I interviewed people at random along the way, and as far as I could tell I was not tailed....

... To me, the German Reich feels like other authoritarian countries I covered before they toppled. My guess is that the demise of the system is a matter of time — unless there’s a war between Germany and the West, perhaps ignited by French strikes on German military sites in the demilitarized Rhineland. That, I sense, would provoke a nationalist backlash and rescue the Fuehrer and his gauleiters.

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